Laravel, WordPress (WP)
JavaScript (JS):
Vue.js, Livewire / Alpine.js, Inertia.js
Tailwind, Bootstrap, Vanilla CSS
CI / CD:
GitLab, GitHub, Docker, Laravel Forge, Laravel Envoyer,, Amazon Web Services (AWS), DigitalOcean
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Operating Systems:
macOS, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora), Windows
Solutions Engineer
@ Lumin Fire - (Oct. 2024 - Current)
Web Application Developer
@ Fox World Travel - (March 2021 - Oct. 2024)
Crafted and nurtured multiple full-stack VILT applications using Vue, Inertia.js, Laravel, & Tailwind.
Slashed developer onboarding time by 95%, turning "new hire" into "ready to rock" in record time.
Simplified the development process, cutting our development time in half.
Launched a CI/CD pipeline that trimmed deployment time by 8 minutes, letting us release code more frequently and safely.
Successfully migrated a legacy PHP application from Zend v1 (PHP 5.6) to Laravel 11 (PHP 8.3), boosting our security and reducing support tickets by 75%.
Streamlined local development processes, reducing migration time by 87.5%. This enabled the dev team to implement 5% more feature / bug fixes a day, creating a more productive work environment. There was, unfortunately, a corresponding drop in coffee breaks.
Revamped our testing suite, slashing testing time from 30 minutes to just 8, allowing us to ship code faster and tackle more tasks each day while boosting our confidence in code quality.
Full Stack PHP Developer
@ Pearson Education - (July 2020 - Nov. 2020)
Orchestrated the migration of our Math & Science platform from PHP 4 to PHP 7.3, breathing new life into legacy code and boosting performance like a double espresso for our app!
Linux System Admin / Developer
@ Tomotechi - (Feb. 2020 - July 2020)
Dispensed a treasure trove of knowledge in CMS, hosted systems, and web development, transforming IT services into a user-friendly adventure for end users.
Red Zone Specialist
@ Apple - (July 2014 - May 2016)